
The purpose of acupuncture is to return the body to balance by alleviating physical, mental, and spiritual discomfort. Acupuncture is safe and effective for all adults, children, and pregnant and nursing mothers.The practice and study of acupuncture is more than 3,000 years and works by stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

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Dr. Janette Engelbrecht, LA.c. is proud to offer Chinese Medicine services with an integrative approach. Her focus is on helping others to embody a healthy lifestyle in an effort to keep dis-ease and imbalance at bay. The treatments she offers range from a symptomatic style for things like pain or allergies, to a systemic/holistic style for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of internal diseases. Janette graduated from Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts in May 2019 with dual Masters and Doctorate degrees. Dr. Engelbrecht has a strong background in Western cancer care and specializes in oncology. In addition to oncology and pain, Janette focuses on digestion, nutrition, stress, sleep, women’s health & fertility, palliative care, and hospice care. Janette is an avid hiker and spends her free time with her pack of senior dogs and her husband enjoying the mountains of Western North Carolina.

Dr. Janette Engelbrecht, LA.c. is proud to offer Chinese Medicine services with an integrative ap... Read More

Ashley Kuper L.Ac., focuses on fertility/women’s health, acute and chronic pain, digestive disorders, psycho-emotional issues, preventative medicine, Cosmetic Acupuncture and overall health maintenance and stress relief.

Ashley Kuper L.Ac., focuses on fertility/women’s health, acute and chronic pain, digestive disord... Read More

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